Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Window Views - Colorfest windows & a door

View through the front doors at Rose Hill Manor

I took the above shot from inside Rose Hill Manor during the Fall Festival there. The windows below were found during the Colorfest in Thurmont.

Pumpkins in the window, cold beer and crab cakes inside

Bank windows

Reflections at the glass and mirrow shop


Anonymous said...

Lots of fun windows, Lew.

I was just looking at your gas prices. How come your gas prices are going down and ours in Ontario are going up?

Auntie E said...

Very nice window and door views. Old building have so much character.

ellen b said...

Great shots. I really like the looking through one...

VioletSky said...

Interesting howmany banks were built on corners. I wonder was that building always a bank - it has an unusual look with the turret.

...and I always look at your gas prices too, and wonder, as does Stine.

Come Away With Me said...

That's the most unusual Bank of American I've seen. And it is nice to see the photographer reflected in the last shot (I've got a few such self portraits myself).

Carolyn Ford said...

Lots of windows and great shots of all of them. I like the reflection of the photographer in one of them too!

Robin said...

Yum - any window that holds crabcakes gets my vote!

kayerj said...

I'm for the crabcakes, and that is sure a nice reflection looking back at you. nice post today. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Anonymous said...

In the first photo, the lines on the ceiling and the shadow on the ground lead the eye beautifully to the flags.

Nice self-portrait, too. :-)

Unknown said...

We always find beauty in old structures buildings. Thanks for sharing them Lew. ;D

Travel and Living
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April said...

The first shot is awesome! I like it. ;D

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maryt/theteach said...

Lovely shots, Lew! Glad you like the changes to our meme! Thanks for participating! :)