Saturday, October 3, 2009

PhotoHunt - Fair words

A few of the words on display around the Great Frederick Fair last week.


Brita said...

Great take on the theme! Sure a lot of words and good shot.

ancient one said...

Pretty Colors with all those words... Great Idea for Words...

Anonymous said...

I love fair photos...your really made my day!

Susanne said...

Love the bright colors surrounding your words. Great shot.

kayerj said...

a very fun collection of words. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Good choice! Very colorful, too.

My Photo Hunters post is up. I hope you have time to visit!

have a great weekend.

Marites said...

quite colorful and eyecatching:) nice captures. my PH is up too.