Saturday, October 24, 2009

PhotoHunt - Tied up in traffic

This intersection is the I-70 exit at Market Street, Frederick's main street through downtown. I ran some errands Friday to the south side of town and got tied up in traffic on the way home. Home is a right turn and go through town (3.5 miles); or straight and on I-70, then US 15 to by-pass the city streets. On Friday afternoons it is a toss up as to which is faster. It took about 30 minutes to get to my next stop ( a little beyond home) to pickup some groceries. I am glad I am no longer commuting 50 miles home on Friday afternoons!


YTSL said...

The jam doesn't look *too* bad. So count yourself lucky!

Teena in Toronto said...

Ha! Nice twist on today's theme! I hate getting tied up in traffic!

I played too :)

Kim said...

Yuk, the worst kind of tied there is. ha ha Nice take on the theme! Mine is up:

Susanne said...

Glad I'm not in it! :v)

Alice Audrey said...

Great take on the theme.

kayerj said...

too true, too often.

Katney said...

My 45 mile commute took me 47 minutes in the morning and 50 minutes in the afternoon. Onew mile of it was getting to the freeway on the home end and four or five miles was getting through town on te work end. If I timed it wrong, the four or five miles took half an hour so the trip ended up being an hour.

But consider, you could be stuck in I-5 traffic in Seattle, Portland, or Los Angeles.