Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sky Watch - Wednesday's skies

 Sky above the fair
Late afternoon - east

Late afternoon - west

After sunset


HansHB said...

Lovely serie of sky-photos!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful skies and terrific captures as always, Lew!! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

Jim said...

Terrific skies. I always enjoy seeing streaky clouds.

eileeninmd said...

Was this the Frederick Fair? Lovely skies, Lew! Beautiful photos, have a happy weekend!

Karen said...

Oh I love fall fairs! Great shots Lew!

Lea said...

Great photos! I especially like the first one.
Have a beautiful week-end!
Lea's Menagerie

Jackie said...

It's been so long since I've been to a fair. I remember the smells and the sounds of them; I'm not as interested in them as I was when I was younger, but it stills stirs memories when I see photos of a fair. Thank you.
Sending you wishes for a beautiful weekend...

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Something about skies above a fair is magical!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

We've missed you on the Saturday PhotoHunt ~ Those look like 'rousing' clouds to me :-)

Happy Hunting~