The Downtown Frederick Partnership sponsors a program called First Saturday. The theme for August was "Dog Days of Summer". A Vintage Volkswagen club was also showing their beetles and busses. Grandson Chris and I went to see the cars and pups and take a few pictures (Photos of the VWs next week).
Registering for the contest
Part of of the celebration was a dog costume contest. Registration was at Two Paws Up, a downtown pet store. The paw prints led the pups to the spots. Winners were to be announced at the amphitheater by the creek at 8:00 PM. (Chris and I opted to leave early and join Marianne and Michael for dinner at home.)
Two cuties
Nicely coiffered poodle
There were lots of watering bowls for the dogs. This one was in front of Two Paws Up. There are plenty of places downtown for the two-legged animals to get food and drink!
I love all the dogs in your world ... and often photograph dogs in MY world to share as I did at Small Reflections recently ;--) Fun post! Hugs and blessings,
I joined the Header Challenge team in November. We post a new header each week on a suggested theme. Imac is the founder and head of the team. The members vote for best header and the winner gets the gold. The links above will take you to the other participants.
This blog contains my posts for Our World Tuesday and Sky Watch Friday. Click on the logos below to reach the host site for these memes and links to a world full of great photographers. I also share photos, both present and past, on additional subjects. I may occasionally post photos taken by others and will so note ownership in the post.
My other two blogs can be viewed through the links below.
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Lew's favorites
Photos on this blog were taken by me, unless otherwise noted. They belong to me or the person identified and are protected by copyright; they may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without the express, written consent of myself or the owner. All Rights Reserved.
I am retired, married to a smart, talented lady who once thought we computer people were geeks and now is one of us geeks. I have a long time interest in photography. We live in Maryland, about 50 miles from Washington, DC.
My main camera is a Nikon D3100 with two zoom lenses (18-55 and 55-200).
[Portrait by Marianne Oct 2, 2010]
What a fun day! Really delightful shots! Thanks for sharing the fun!
Have a great week!
Love those dogs - what a great idea, but I'm not sure if the dogs like dressing up.
look at the pups all decked out in their finery. and what a clever idea for the town to sponsor.
the paw prints remind me of the cat paw prints in rome when they have their yearly cat festivities ^..^
enjoyed the photos and commentary.
gas here is 2.30 gallon at kroger today...
I love the water fountain. That looks like fun!
Great post! I think I'd bring my pups too if I lived there.
That was great! Look at those dogs! So cute, and lovely. =D Thanks for sharing, have a great day. =D
A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo
I love all the dogs in your world ... and often photograph dogs in MY world to share as I did at Small Reflections recently ;--)
Fun post!
Hugs and blessings,
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