Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Header Challenge - White

I suspect Tom also had an abundance of white when he chose this week's theme. These images were taken March 2 to 7 as two storms dropped a foot of the white stuff. The white owl and snow flake graced our mantle for Christmas and the start of the new year.
White fog

Along the fence
White street
Struggling through white
White in the trees
 White boot prints

Piles of white


imac said...

Love the Header and Love all the snow Pics Lew

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Lew: My you got a lot of the white stuff. This winter was a rough one but we have turned the corner and melting.

heritagemom said...

All that white! Your header is very nice, but my favorite is the misty foggy picture. Beautiful!