Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Header Challenge - The shape of Art

Too cold and snowy for a trip to the Smithsonian or National Gallery of Art this week, so I am sharing some of the art here in our own little gallery. Our collection comes in various shapes and sizes, some is new and some has been here a while. Marianne has an eye for things that will fit in well with our home.

First, on the table in our living room art in a variety of shapes.

The statues of a man and a woman have returned to our mantle as the Christmas and winter decor has been put away.

We have collected some southwestern pottery on our trips to Colorado.

We got the butterflies at IKEA last year.

Here is a bowler from our days on a bowling team, and his shadow.

And now about my header. I recently rediscovered this poem by Frederick Windsor that I had written on a note pad some time ago. 

          Flappity, floppity, flip 
          The mouse on the Mobius strip 
          The strip revolved 
          The mouse dissolved 
          In a chronodimensional skip 
                       (from The Space Child's Mother Goose) 

It seem to fit the theme this week so I made a mobius strip and found a mouse (a gift form Marianne). I also found this link to the Mobius Arch Moonrise.


imac said...

Really good show of Pics,poem, and post.
Great work Lew

Craver Vii said...

The mobius strip appeals to my inner geek. I like the bowler and his shadow, too.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Fun show for certain my friend. You captured the theme really well.

heritagemom said...

Lew, the Mobius strip is pretty cool. Love the shot of your bowler and his shadow!