Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Header Challenge - Sparkles

Christmas season is filled with lots of sparkles. And Marianne has begun adding sparkle to our home! Here are just a few around our fireplace and mantle. My header is the top of one of the block letter below.



Craver Vii said...

Very good, Lew. I like the decorations, but most of all... I'm thrilled to see that you found our "hats" in the last picture. One for Tom and Stewart and me!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver can be so funny Lew, thanks for sharing your sparkling block.

imac said...

Merry Christmas SPARKLES, real neat Lew.

imac said...

Merry Christmas SPARKLES, real neat Lew.

heritagemom said...

Love the red sparkle! Nice. All your decorations sparkle, too. :)