Monday, December 23, 2013

Our World - Window shopping in Frederick

List is done - can you find the items?

A sleigh ride for penguins? 

A little chocolate ? 

An upscale kiddie car?
Or perhaps some inserts in your skin?


Cynthia said...

I'll take the car, please, Santa!
Merry Christmas to you.

Sylvia K said...

Ah, yes!! I'll take the car, too, Santa!! Hope you and your family have a wonderful and very Merry Christmas, Lew!!


eileeninmd said...

Thanks for taking me window shopping. I am done my Christmas shopping, thankfully.

Lew, Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Jackie said...

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you.

Louisette said...

Nice window decoration and in street.
。❊ * 。❊ 。 ❊ _█_ ❊ 。 * ❊
_Π_____ (•.•) * 5☆★☆★☆
❊ /______/~\ ( ♥ ) ❊ MERRY CHRISTMAS ❊
|田 田 |門| ( ♥ ) HAPPY DAY❊
From Belgium