Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Header Challenge - Panning

A Ford Tri-motor visited Frederick back in September and I stopped by the airport to take a look (and a few photos). They were giving short flights (30 minutes) to raise money. I panned as the plane lifted off for one of these flights. (Two images in this sequence previously appeared on Sky Watch)

Panning to catch a leaf (this time vertically) or maybe a dozen.  Last Thursday with the wind blowing, they were fast filling our yard. (This week I'm raking.)


imac said...

Neat work on the aircraft taking off Lew

Craver Vii said...

There is a small airport on the other side of town. They often have amusing small aircrafts take off and land there. I have wanted to hang out there on a nice day and get some good shots, but I always seem to be too busy running errands when I get over there.

I like the creativity of composing a collage for your header.

Jackie said...

The shots of the the plane are nice, Lew. I enjoy taking photos of falling leaves, and I find myself doing acrobatics trying to accomplish it!!
I love the lone leaf falling....

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Nice series Lew, enjoyed your airplane photos.

heritagemom said...

The leaf falling shots are cool! I have a few pic's of a Tri Motor and others, as there is a little "international" airport a few blocks from our home and they have an air show each year. Neat shots!