Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our World - Foggy

 Not our usual winter weather - warm, foggy, light rain.
(Cold is on the way!)


Anonymous said...

What beautiful fog!

eileeninmd said...

Love your foggy scenes, Lew! It was the same here on the weekend, especially Sunday. Your last shot is my favorite. Have a happy week!

Chrissy Brand said...

What an evocative atmosphere it creates.

Sylvia K said...

I do love your wonderful, foggy captures, Lew! Hope your week is off to a great start!! Stay warm!

Karen said...

It's been foggy here as well. Terrific shots Lew! The second is my favourite with that blue light on the walkway.

Barb said...

I love shots of fog - it changes shapes, textures, and colors into something new and beautiful. We have such cold here in CO right now - I'll send you some.

Dana said...

I love how the lights look through the fog. Nice pics!

Jackie said...

I love the fog.
I saw a photo on a fellow bloggers site today of frozen fog on the ground....it was spectacular.
I do hope that we get some cold weather...it just doesn't feel like winter here (South Georgia) when it is 80 degrees during the day time.

Anonymous said...

Really like the third one - it really grabbed my eye as I was scrolling.