Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Window Views - Bay windows

Back in June I posted some bay windows in a residential neighbor hood of Frederick. This week I show you some bay windows in the historic section of downtown. Bay windows were popular in the late 1800's and appear in cities across the US. Many of the buildings (residences and businesses) in the historic district have bays similar to these.


Anonymous said...

Bay windows are back in vogue but nothing like the old ones. There's just no character to the new. These are grand, Lew, just grand :)

Inday said...

We have those kind of windows here too which is common to the old Victorian houses. If I am an Architect, I would prefer as such.

Beautiful and interesting characteristic of your window. Thanks for the visit Sir.

aurbie said...

They just don't make windows like the used to, do they?

Love your photos. Thanks for posting them.

You do great work!

Jules said...

Oh i've seen some here on our place. And i like them. Actually i am planning to have my own house and i prefer for that kind of windows. very stylish and look so good for me. =D

A Writers Den
Brown Mestizo

MaR said...

I love bay windows!! lovely shots.
My window...

Rune Eide said...

Windows is a very interesting subject. They tell quite a lot about both house and the inhabitants. You have posted a nice collection of bay windows her. I have a lot of photos of more common windows that I ought to have done something with long ago.

Ingrid said...

I love bay windows, unfortunately they are not in fashion anymore ! We have a few here in Belgium in houses from beginning 1900.

maryt/theteach said...

I love bay windows, Lew. And those shade of green and blue! :)

kayerj said...

I do love sitting in a bay window especially when there is a grand view. If you’d like to drop by and see my sepia scene & window views, they are here. thanks!

Gemma Wiseman said...

There is something very romantic about the old bay windows! Love these!

Come Away With Me said...

Bay windows are my favorites.

Unknown said...

I love bay windows. The rounded ones are really cool.

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