Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Header Challenge - Through the window

My header is a view through the windshield of our van. This building burned several years ago, leaving only the stone walls. My other photos are what can be seen in windows around Frederick on a warm, sunny afternoon.

This is a view from inside the Frederick Library, and below is a view of the other side of the clock and the window (on left) which provided the previous view,

A window (along with the store space) for lease, not viewing, until you pay the rent.


imac said...

Neat Header Lew from your car window, love your post pics, but just love that window with no view, its a cracking shot.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

What a great series Lew, nicely done.

heritagemom said...

Frederick looks like the perfect town for wandering around in!