Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Header Challenge - Every day objects

Christine gave us the challenge "Everyday objects" for our headers this week. I picked a few from around our house and yard,  plus one from Frederick.

 Vases on the shelf above our bed

 Afternoon sun on our neighbors house

 Bird bath, which the squirrel thinks is a feeding station

 Suspension bridge support at Carroll Creek

My shoes waiting to go out


imac said...

Magic Lew, love your Header but my favourite shot is your shoes waiting to be taken for a walk.

Tom said...

Yes I have to agree with our friend Imac, love the shoes. Nice to pop by after all this time.

Katney said...

Nice collection and yes, the shoes, hope you do get an everyday walk. I have fallen way back on that.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Neat collection of captures Lew for this theme.