Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sky Watch - This week

 Moon, October 27, 12:52 am

  Sun in clouds, October 27, 3:04 pm

 After the storm, October 28, 4:54 pm

 Clearing skies, October 29, 9:08 am


Sylvia K said...

Ah, you've had a little of every kind of weather, Lew!! I love it when that happens!! You surely can't complain then about the "same old stuff"!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!! Enjoy!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Lew, pretty moon shot. We did have a lot of rain yesterday. Lovely sky captures. Happy Skywatching, enjoy your weekend!

Katney said...

That has been some moon and we have watched it grow this last few days. It will still look good for Halloween.

carol l mckenna said...

Great sky and moon shots!

Wishing you a happy weekend,
artmusedog and carol

Al said...

Nice - the second one could almost be the Moon behind clouds too!