Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Header Challenge - What's that?

Fishing Guy chose "What's that?" for the header theme this week. My header is a common kitchen item. Some other "what's that" images follow and the full items are shown later in the post. See the  headers by the challengers using the links in my sidebar.

 What's that in Marianne's new food mill?

What's that near Carroll Creek?

What's that with wires hanging down?

What's that floating in the creek?

My header is common kitchen scissors.

Those tomatoes became delicious Marinara sauce. 
We had some for dinner and bagged and froze the rest for later!

A statue of an artist by the creek.

The pole is the support for the suspension bridge.

And the little floating bulb will become a striking lily.


imac said...

Great nifty ideas at Home Lew.

Katney said...

Well done. Will we all do it this way, with the what is it and the explanatory follow-up?

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

You got me Lew, I would have never guessed what it was.

heritagemom said...

Lew, those were great! I think I would get along great with Marianne; I love canning/preserving and putting up for "later"!!