Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Header Challenge - Pup

The challenge this week was chosen by Craver to be "Pup". My header pup was found relaxing in the shade by Culler Lake on the Fourth of July.

 Nearby a mama duck watched over her two offspring.

 Two other pups seen by Carroll Creek

  and this sad pup peering out the window.

And finally, this trailer to take your pups camping.


imac said...

All cute little PUPs Lew, and love the PUP caravan too.

Don't forget that I won't be able to vote also not post results, but I am playing and posting.

Craver Vii said...

The pup trailer looks interesting. I wonder how the dogs like it.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Fun post Lew, thanks for sharing your captures.

Katney said...

We camp in a trailer like that one, but not quite as colorful. I did paint Mt. Rainier on the hatch. It is eight feet long.

heritagemom said...

Love the pup trailer!