Monday, February 3, 2014

Our World - Super Bowl and snow

Marianne made some hot wings and other goodies for our two-person Super Bowl party. I liked the Broncos, and was disappointed with the final score.

We had a few above freezing days and on Feb 1 the snow was almost gone. Today it has returned!


Cynthia said...

Enjoy your snow! It does look pretty, but I am soooo ready for spring!

carol l mckenna said...

Fun time, super bowl, food goodies and snow ~ great photos for OWT ~ thanks, carol, xxx


eileeninmd said...

I love the hotwings, YUM! We had about another 4-6 inches of snow today.. I am ready for spring! It did not matter to me who won the Superbowl. Pretty snowy scenes. Have a happy week!

Turn The Page said...

Hello Lew! My mouth is watering over the hot wings shot...and I haven't even finished my morning tea yet! Yikes! Hope you are enjoying the snow! It won't be long now before spring springs into action! Aloha

Katney said...

As you can imagine, this family was very pleased with the outcome of the game.