Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Header Challenge - Thinking and learning

Watching the little ones as they explore the world and learn to cope with it is fascinating. As a  parent, I was more focused on the care of our little ones. With grand-kids ages 28 to 5, we watched them as they became adults (some still are on that path).  As a great-grand parent, it has been a joy to watch the first of the next generation learn to think and do things. He has approached life as "watch", "think" "do".
 I think I can throw a football.

 I think I can play this game!
I know I can throw this ball.

First encounter with a small frog. What's he thinking?

Dancing at his Mom and Dad's wedding. 
He watched for a while and then joined the dancing.
 (The older boy was really good.)


imac said...

Lew, you have this Thinking Lark real sorted.
Love the pics and to see how kids grow-up Thinking.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

What a fun post Lew, neat captures of the little one.

Craver Vii said...

What a delight to see children learn and process things! Cute kid.

heritagemom said...

Great shots. I don't even have grandkids yet! Can't wait to capture their expressions and lives as you have. :)