Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sky Watch - Hot air balloon

Monday Marianne spotted a hot air balloon heading toward our house, so I went outside with my camera. The balloon seemed stationary (there was no wind) and was dropping lower. After a few minutes I saw the flame as he added more lift. The balloon began to rise and drift towards me, eventually passing directly overhead.


Steffi said...

Wow!That are so beautiful photos of this colourful hot air balloon,Lew!Well done!

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific, colorful balloon, Lew, and such superb captures!! One of my fondest memories is of a wonderful balloon ride over the wine country in California with my youngest daughter! Such fun to look the eagle in the eye!! Have a great weekend!

HansHB said...

Great serie, lovely colours!
A perfect post for SWF!

eileeninmd said...

It is a pretty and colorful balloon. Great shots, Lew!

Jim said...


Leora said...

What a colorful balloon. Not sure if I would want to go for a ride in one, but it's fun to watch.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Balloons are one of my favorite subjects, I' love to go up in one.

Rune Eide said...

Finally a post filled with hot air :-)

Gorgeous colours and the view from up their must be magnificent.