Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Header Challenge - Wet volunteers

The beautification of Carroll Creek was accomplished with the efforts of the City parks folks and many volunteers. (Money was also volunteered to purchase the water plants.) These three volunteers were found recently giving the plants some tender loving car and removing trash from the water. 
Find the 2 volunteers in this one


imac said...

Love your pics and Header Lew, well fitting for VOLUNTEER.

Craver Vii said...

That's a beautiful outcome. It's great to see people pitching in like that.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Lew: What a great story of the volunteers working in the creek. I did find the two volunteers when I enlarged the photos.

Katney said...

I found the volunteers without enlarging.

It would be such a better world if more people would take care of bits of it.

A friend was telling me about a picnic, and when they were finished, he told his 11 year old to pick up litter around not just their table but all around. Someone said to him, "Why are you doing that? There are people to do that." Friend responded something like-- yes, and they are volunteers. It is all our responsibility to take care of the earth. His son then told him, "I understand now and realize you are not just being mean to me."

Jackie said...

God bless them!!
Thank you to them from me. I don't live in that area, but all of this Earth is in our care, and I thank each person who takes the time and the effort to help keep it lovely.
I had a hard time finding the two volunteers in the photo. But I did! Good one!!!