Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Header challenge - Carroll Creek at night

This week, the challenge is "water".  I chose to photograph one of my favorite subjects at night for this challenge. Carroll Creek runs through the City of Frederick business district and at times flooded businesses near the creek. The City built a flood control system that carries the overflow water underground from Baker Park to a point near the fair grounds. A linear park was created along the above ground creek, with flowers, fountains, walkways, art work and an outdoor amphitheater. Above, one of the fountains shot with flash, below without flash.

Some of the water plants.

 The cascading fountain from across the creek (without flash).

Some of the water plants are blooming. The pole supports the suspension bridge. Below the view east from the bridge.


imac said...

Very neat show of Water Lew and most enjoyable to see.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Neat water show Lew, your camera does great at night.

Katney said...

Your nighttime shots of the water features are great. I love the curves of the cascading fountain.

heritagemom said...

Wow, that is a pretty place. I'm sure I would love visiting and wandering with my camera!!