Thursday, February 4, 2016

Header Challenge - In the Kitchen

Marianne's approach to cooking is prepare ahead of time! (And her stuff is better tasting than the store store  bought.) So we have lots of meals in the freezer, ready to thaw and reheat. Above roasted beets cut up and ready to freeze. Below the jars cooling (September 2015)

Banana muffins - a must have when the grandsons are coming. (October 2015)

 Apples to make apple sauce. (October 2015)

 I peal and core with this gadget,

 Marianne slices and spices.

 Cooked apples ready to crush into sauce. My header shows the pair of crock pots we had going.

Christmas cookies and pumpkin bars (December, 2015)

Taco and baked potato soups on the stove (January, 2016)
and the potato soup in the freezer.

Thanks love, for all the good stuff you make!


imac said...

Very busy hive of of activity there Lew, looks as though you have to be very Hungry when visiting. Neat shoe DF

heritagemom said...

Oh, wow, Lew, your wife (and you!) is/are amazing! I'd probably fit right in over in your kitchen; I love all the "putting up" you all have done with your food. And you're definitely right: homemade is way better than the store version!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Great show this week Lew, good eating for certain.