Thursday, February 4, 2016

After the snow storm

 Our skies changed after the snow storm to end January and begin February.


eileeninmd said...

Hello Lew, I was glad to see that storm end. We rec'd a lot of snow, 23 inches. Beautiful collection of sky shots. Happy skywatching, enjoy your weekend!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful captures, Lew, as always!! I do love your skies -- they look so much better than our endless gray ones!! But then I've whined enough about the wet weather!! At least it isn't snow and freezing!! So, I'll shut up the whining now and wish you a beautiful weekend!! Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

great skies in there, it means that weather is getting better?

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome sky shots ~ always intriguing what happens to the sky after a storm ~

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

rupam sarma said...

So beautiful

joo said...

Beautiful set of photos! Have a great weekend:)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful skies!