Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Header Challenge - Latest photos

The past few days we (and my camera) have been focusing on the repair of some cracks in our basement wall. So I am illustrating the steps to get that job done. My header is a portion of the cracked wall inside (Some cracks were previously sealed), First, a landscaping crew moved the plants (they will be back next week to replant them).

 Second, dig down to the footers.

Third, patch the cracks outside, clean the wall, apply waterprofing, and dimple board.

Fourth, put the dirt back.

Fifth, Seal the cracks on the inside. The black strips are carbon fiber sealed across the cracks to further strengthen the wall. There is still some work to complete on the inside.


imac said...

Major works there Lew, great showing of the mens work in action.
Great story in words and pics.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Construction is so much fun Lew. I'm sure you will be happy when it's all done.

heritagemom said...

Wow, that is a big project! It's nice that you documented it with your camera!!