Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sky Watch - First April showers


Sylvia K said...

Wonderful, promising skies for April and terrific captures!! As much as I look forward to Spring and all its beauty, I have to admit that there is a different kind of beauty in the bare trees and I love that, too!! Have a great weekend, Lew!!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Lew! I hope your gray skies have cleared.. We could use some sunny days to dry up the ground.. Have a happy weekend!

Jim said...

Great greys.

HansHB said...

Great SWF-post!
Love it!
My SWF-post at:

carol l mckenna said...

Ominou sky shots for April showers ~ great photos for SWF ~

artmusedog and carol

Heather said...

That sky looks much like ours today. Mine