Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Our World - Stubby tailed squirrel

This stubby tailed squirrel has taken up residence in our neighborhood. Don't know how he lost the tail, but it does not seem to affect his climbing ability.


Randi said...

Lovely shots of the little squirrel!

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com said...

Poor squirrel- thought they need the tail to keep their balance? Nice pictures though!

Marja said...

Ah didn't know there are squirrels without tails. he is still cute though

Marcia said...

Something tried to catch it at some point in its life. Have seen some with damaged tails before but never that short.

Jackie said...

You know him when you see him...that's for sure.

TheChieftess said...

Ha!!! I've never seen a squirrel that was missing his tail!!!