Friday, December 14, 2012

Sky Watch - Spires in the sky

My camera is acting up and not wanting to click the shutter. So, here are two shots from April. Above is a shot of the twin spires of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and below the spire of Trinity Chapel. The third shot was taken last Saturday.


Spare Parts and Pics said...

These are beautiful! Sorry to hear about your camera.

Liz said...

Beautiful captures. Happy sky watching.

Blue and White

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful captures, Lew! I hope you can have your camera fixed. Have a great weekend!

Jackie said...

I had shutter problems with my Nikon; I researched buying another or getting mine repaired. Either was going to be pricey.
I ended up doing the repair ($240) for the shutter.
Your photos of the spires are lovely. The sky is magnificent.
We've had overcast skies here for two days, and the sun is finally out and I can see our blue sky...yes!
Thank you for sharing your photos with me.