Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sky Watch - November clouds

Clouds have been an almost continuous presence in our skies recently. These late afternoon shots are from November 2 and 3.


Sylvia K said...

They do make for dramatic skies and you've captured them beautifully, Lew! We're seeing lots of clouds here in the northwest as well. Hope you and your family have a great weekend -- with or without clouds!

From The Heart said...

Nice pictures! Thanks for posting.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful views of the sky.

Jidhu Jose said...


My Skywatch Friday

eileeninmd said...

Hi Lew, we have had cloudy skies for awhile now, I am ready for sunny skies. I do love your photos, the first one is my favorite. Have a great weekend!

Liz said...

Lovely captures. Happy sky watching.

Double Rainbow

My name is Riet said...

The same here Lew, Different skies sometimes every minute. I think it is the time of year

Karen said...

That's why I like sky watching, there's always something to photograph. Great skies Lew!

Tara R. said...

The contrast between the light and shadow in the first shot is almost surreal. Wonderful capture.

Katney said...

Lew, we were wondering if you might like to join us in a header challenge. Our group is down to IMac, Tom the Fishing Guy, and me at the moment, with another blogger going to test us out the next few weeks. Hmmm. That's what I said about a year ago. Next week's theme is "Orange".