Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sky Watch - Gray and cold

 January 27 - Gray sky, frozen creek

 January 27 - Reaching skyward

 January 29 - Morning sun

January 29 - Snowing again

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Header Challenge - Big Bird

My header is a stone eagle that perches over the entrance to one of the banks in Frederick. The mural below honors Lord Nickens, a long time civil rights leader in Frederick.

The largest birds seen in our area  are the Turkey Vultures,
effortlessly gliding overhead.

A blue heron at Baker Park

And an old war bird on the ground
and in flight with its companion fighter escort.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Our World - Just a little snow

TV weather folks were predicting two snow storms passing over us with a total of 6 inches of new white. (NOAA said 1 to 3 in each storm). Then TV folks said the BIG storm heading for NYC "stole" the moisture out of our storms. Kinda pretty here, but no need for a snow blower tonight. I hope the predictions for our friends to north are as wrong as ours. 

And a nice fire tonight!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Header Challenge - I didn't expect to see THAT here

I got a case for my laptop for Christmas. I did not expect that Zoey would claim it before the day was over! There are plenty of other places for her to snooze.


Our World - White again

Another band of snow passed our way today, 
changing us back to a winter wonderland.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sky Watch - Tuesday skies

 Morning contrails


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Header Challenge - Winter

Winter has treated us to days below freezing and nights in the teens (degrees F). A few inches of snow fell last week and were cleared nicely by the snow blower.

The birds were busy on the ground and on our feeders.

Foot prints in the snow.
And piles of snow in parking areas a week later as a cold rain fell.

Our World - Winter birds

We have a bunch of small birds that gather at our feeder. They spill a lot of seed and then dig around for a meal.

Of course when the hawk cruises by, all the little birds disappear!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Header Challenge - Something New

Christmas always celebrates the past, brings fond memories of past times together; and brings SOMETHING new. This year youngest daughter and her guys joined us. And we all had a great Christmas. Marianne decided last year that we would have a blue and white themed tree this year. She started planning this tree last year, buying some things and filling it out this season, so we had lots of NEW in our Christmas!

New toys for the boys!

And a new experience - roasted marhshmellows.

A new scent for Marianne and
a new laptop case for me (quickly adopted by Zoey)!