Spring planting has come to the field behind our house the past three weeks. First there was a little barn cleaning and application of natural fertilizer. Then the earth was tilled and seeds were planted. Finally, the weather cooperated this weekend and dropped some nice rain (along with a little night light show with acoustics!).
On my way home last Sunday, a 1947 Rolls Royce pulled along side at a stop light. It was an older model, very shiny, with a stately gentleman driver on the right side. I got this shot as he pulled away from the light and then followed him a short distance before I turned to go home. Lasting Impressions is a company in Westminster, MD that provides limousine and DJ service.
Spring has arrived in spurts in our yard - some 90 degree days and some 40 degree days, with a few "spring" days thrown in. We cut the lilacs back last year so there are no a lot of blooms, but the ones we have are gorgeous. The cherry trees bloomed while we were in SC and the wind this weekend blew many of them off the trees.
Cherry blossoms in grass and driveway
Our yellow daffodils near the house bloom very early. These under the lilacs come along a month later.
The sky over the Walled Garden in SC was clear blue, so I caught a little water shooting up from the fountain. Back home a storm passed through dropping a little rain and then our dogwood blossoms against a blue and white background.
While in South Carolina I stopped for a brief visit to the Riverbanks Zoo and Botanical Garden. The zoo and gardens are along the banks of the Saluda River just outside the city of Columbia. I was interested in seeing the Walled Garden, one of five themed gardens. The Walled Garden features a variety of plants, trees and shrubs arranged with walkways separating the beds. Ten of the beds are replanted twice a year - in the spring and fall. There is a central stair step canal with fountains at each end. At this time of year, the garden is bursting with color. Plants are identified with small tags placed near each type. The garden includes some art and benches are scattered throughout. The Visitor Center anchors one end of the Walled Garden and offers additional information on the gardens. There are also additional plantings outside the Visitor Center. More images will be posted on all three of my blogs this week and next.
While in South Carolina I stopped for a brief visit to the Riverbanks Zoo and Botanical Garden. The zoo and gardens are along the banks of the Saluda River just outside the city of Columbia. The place is just full of geometrical shapes. The Walled Garden features a variety of plants, trees and shrubs arranged with walkways separating the beds. See My World Tuesday for more images of this colorful garden.
During our visit to South Carolina, we had mostly hot skies with record setting highs for April. A few clouds drifted by on Friday yielding a muted sunset. Occasionally a plane flew by as we were near the Columbia airport.
Here are the front and side doors (and balcony windows) of the Fusion Bowl in Lexington, SC. We had a delicious dinner here Tuesday with Marianne's son and family. The restaurant serves a wide selection of Asian cuisine, as well as sushi. No one went hungry and there were no complaints.
I joined the Header Challenge team in November. We post a new header each week on a suggested theme. Imac is the founder and head of the team. The members vote for best header and the winner gets the gold. The links above will take you to the other participants.
This blog contains my posts for Our World Tuesday and Sky Watch Friday. Click on the logos below to reach the host site for these memes and links to a world full of great photographers. I also share photos, both present and past, on additional subjects. I may occasionally post photos taken by others and will so note ownership in the post.
My other two blogs can be viewed through the links below.
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Lew's favorites
Photos on this blog were taken by me, unless otherwise noted. They belong to me or the person identified and are protected by copyright; they may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without the express, written consent of myself or the owner. All Rights Reserved.
I am retired, married to a smart, talented lady who once thought we computer people were geeks and now is one of us geeks. I have a long time interest in photography. We live in Maryland, about 50 miles from Washington, DC.
My main camera is a Nikon D3100 with two zoom lenses (18-55 and 55-200).
[Portrait by Marianne Oct 2, 2010]