My World is defined as much by the people in it, as by the geographical place where we live. Marianne, the lady who graciously agreed to marry me 20 some years ago is at the center of my world. We have 6 kids and 7 grandkids, now scattered across 6 states (NJ, WV, SC, TX, CO, AZ). Our home is in Frederick County, Maryland about 50 miles from Washington, DC. We have two adopted cats and an assortment of wild critters that come visiting. Marianne established her own web site 8 years ago, but then got bit by the blog bug and has been at it since 2005. Last year she started a blog with Project 365, taking and posting a photo each day. She has continued this year, now at 659 posts without missing a day. When I retired last October, one of my goals was to do more photography, so I started Lew's Pics. The content of this blog is a daily view of my world through my camera. I started my other blog, Lew's Other Pics, to post picures from the past and to have a home for my participation in PhotoHunt Saturday, Sky WatchFriday, Bridges Between and now My World Tuesday.
I am starting with two night photos I took last Friday while waiting on carry out dinner. This shopping center is the newest in Frederick. It has a movie theater (16 screens), a bunch of restaurants, and some shops. There is a larger mall a mile or so away with large stores (Sears, Penny's, Macy's, Border's) and other shops. We ocassionaly eat at (or get take out) at the Macaroni Grill and have gone to movies here. We took the grandsons to see Batman: The Dark Knight during their visit in August. Both Marianne and I have posted pictures and some info on places of interest in Frederick and the surrounding area. I plan to revisit some of these places for My World Tuesday and add new ones. Your comments and questions are welcome, and I will try to get info and photos, if specific subjects are of interest.
Visit the home site for My World Tuesday to participate or just take a virtual world tour.
Lew: Glad to have you on board to show us the Maryland and DC area of our country. You will make a neat addition to the My World meme. The people of your world are truly important.
Lew, what I found so interesting about your post was your description of your blogging activities. These personal toutches make a site really come alive for me. A photo is nice, but how you write about a place or activity gives one a lot more insight. Great start.
I joined the Header Challenge team in November. We post a new header each week on a suggested theme. Imac is the founder and head of the team. The members vote for best header and the winner gets the gold. The links above will take you to the other participants.
This blog contains my posts for Our World Tuesday and Sky Watch Friday. Click on the logos below to reach the host site for these memes and links to a world full of great photographers. I also share photos, both present and past, on additional subjects. I may occasionally post photos taken by others and will so note ownership in the post.
My other two blogs can be viewed through the links below.
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Lew's favorites
Photos on this blog were taken by me, unless otherwise noted. They belong to me or the person identified and are protected by copyright; they may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without the express, written consent of myself or the owner. All Rights Reserved.
I am retired, married to a smart, talented lady who once thought we computer people were geeks and now is one of us geeks. I have a long time interest in photography. We live in Maryland, about 50 miles from Washington, DC.
My main camera is a Nikon D3100 with two zoom lenses (18-55 and 55-200).
[Portrait by Marianne Oct 2, 2010]
Interesting to see shopping centre styles in other worlds! Love the night glows in the last image!
Lew: Glad to have you on board to show us the Maryland and DC area of our country. You will make a neat addition to the My World meme. The people of your world are truly important.
this looks just like the typical shopping center where I live in Long Island!
Regretfully I've never been to the Washington DC area...
That's a fine photo of the cinema -- the background of clouds is most interesting...
Terrific night shots. It looks like a great place to be in the evening.
Wonderful post! And I love Maryland!
(And Maccaroni's, too:) )
Cheers, Klaus
Please remember next time, to add the country in Mr. Linky!
Lew, what I found so interesting about your post was your description of your blogging activities. These personal toutches make a site really come alive for me.
A photo is nice, but how you write about a place or activity gives one a lot more insight.
Great start.
Great post and wonderful photos!!
Very nice night shots of your world
Great photos, that looks like a nice shopping area.
A good dinner is always s nice - or more like necessity!
PS Thank you for the nice comments. I tried the link. Although they only showed small pictures, it had a great WOW-factor!
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